ماشاء الله تبارك الله , اللهم اني اسألك الهدى والتقى والعفاف والغنى

The Punisher (ENG)

The Punisher |PC| 1.54 Gb

The life of Frank Castle changed dramatically on that day - day of the murder of his family. Together with family people died and the soul of Frank, giving way to cold, ruthless and all-consuming hatred.

That same day, disappeared about a family man and Castle was born one who will drive the last nail in the coffin of the deceased on behalf of the "crime". Do not shy dirtiest methods, administer justice, the Punisher begins! Who is he? Hero? Crazy? Archangel Michael, sent to earth by God tired? His methods are terrible. Bestial cruelty borders with equanimity of the Buddha, and the principle of "an eye for an eye" applies to anyone: from the dirty to the six chapters of a criminal syndicate. For him, no concepts of "political correctness", "humanity" and "forgiveness." He is guided by only three words: "The offender must

Game features:

- The brutal interrogations! Bay of criminals by their own methods!
- Use any items! More than 100 unique ways to kill the enemy!
- Non-stop shooter! Seas of blood, the river of pain, the triumph of vengeance!
- A huge arsenal! The most murderous weapon!
- Stunning story of the original authors

Information about the game:

Name: The Punisher
Genre: 3rd-Person 3D Action
Platform: PC
Developer: Volition
Publisher: THQ
Language: English + Russian
Sustem requirements: Pentium 1.8 Mhz RAM: 512 MB Video: 128 MB
Size: 1.54 Gb

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